What NOT to do to collect ratings. Courtesy of MyFitnessPal, TripIt, and Mailbox. Have you personally tapped the "Rate" button on these pop-ups, EVER? Not a single user ever has, but its the easiest way to implement.

Even Android apps do it too. Left: RunKeeper and Yelp. Some iOS apps are getting a little sneakier, but its still not an awesome experience for the user. Right: Highlight and Tumblr. There's nothing like interrupting the user right when they are trying to get something done using your app, let alone that its something that benefits them zero. This is at best a way to irritate your users and at worst a way to collect 1 star ratings!

Instead of the easiest to implement, both ITO Mobile apps used the method above to collect ratings and reviews.
- We knew the killer feature in our app was viewing of the tax return PDF
- We generate the PDF on the fly
- Due to security concerns around the PDF, it is never stored on device. As soon as you hit the back button, its gone
- This hitting of the back button proved to be a perfect time to ask the user a favor.
- We just delivered the biggest benefit and WOW in the app, and know they are finished for the time being.
- Bring up the NPS (Net Promoter Score) question or even just an internal to your product 5 star question.
- If a detractor (0-6), we apologize and let them vent directly to us via email.
- If a promoter (9-10), we get a little emotional and give them a direct link to rate.
Pure NPS collection, filtered App Store reviews. Intuit gets to put its best foot forward, and customers feel heard.
More on this can be seen near the end of my talk at https://vimeo.com/ohme/mobdup (video) and