Some inspiration from SXSW Interactive 2014 in Austin, TX

The other short he showed was around how photography was invented but never took off until Reese, a photographer in NYC, thought 'If I could just show people the inside of these slums and the poor living conditions, we could get them help.' There was some crude, dangerous ways to take photos inside or in the dark, but Reese heard of some German engineers that created a small controlled explosion called BlitchLit (flashlight). Flash photography caught on when Reese's images of slums in NYC changed public opinion and triggered one of the greatest social reforms in US history (Roosevelt's New Deal), then sewers and indoor plumbing a decade later. He was recorded as saying "our party carried terror wherever it went" but at least he got the shot and changed history.
Even the pedicabs have gone tech (and marketing). Big Jambox and iPad mounted, playing ads.

Then there is {RV}IP, the traveling karaoke bar where you meet tons of interesting people.
View of the street early on in the evening, before it gets crazy. From above and street-level.

Making Shaq angry by interrupting his business meeting -- not a good idea.

The people at ImageThink are amazing visual notetakers. All of their sketches from SXSWi2014 can be seen and downloaded at http://imagethink.smugmug.com/Conferences/2014/SXSWi-2014/n-f7xqX. These are just the UX / Design / Mobile / Tech ones that I found interesting.